Courses, Memberships

and Special Offers

FREE Immune System Boost!

Mini-course designed to introduce you to your instructor, Dawn Livingstone, and what she does.  You will learn all about the energies that she will run in the healing session that will help to dissolve vibrations that can potentially lower the efficiency of your immune system.

There is also a bonus subliminal healing session that includes 75+ positive affirmations to complement the vibrations that were dissolved.

Enjoy this free start to your personal growth and healing journey.

Much love.

Transcending Trauma & Abuse

The Transcending Trauma and Abuse course is a transformative journey toward healing and empowerment. Through a comprehensive educational approach, participants gain insights into how our choices shape our lives. They're equipped with invaluable tools for self-reflection, guiding them to identify the roots of their trauma. This course propels individuals towards envisioning the future they desire, crafting a roadmap to personal growth and resilience. Moreover, the course offers powerful energy healing sessions, facilitating the release of past wounds and paving the way for a happier, more fulfilling life. It's a holistic expedition, combining education, introspection, and healing, guiding individuals towards transcending their past to embrace a brighter, more empowered future.


This is an education and transformation course, and the first step towards expanding your awareness, changing your perceptions, and changing your life by learning how to remove non-serving subconscious blocks and programming that prevent you from achieving and receiving.  

If you provide a service to others, or come into contact with many people every day; in particular those that deal with fear, stress, abuse and other ways of suffering, this is the program for you.  It will help free you from those that drain your energy and throw their negativity on you, and you will be taught how to remove it and protect yourself energetically to keep you clear and functioning as effectively as possible.  You will be taught how to keep yourself physically and energetically balanced, understand where we get our beliefs and programming from, and remove a ton of them to help you kickstart your transformation. Embarkation can allow you to feel more energized, less stressed, teach you how to relieve trauma and pain, and clear anger, resentment and judgment, to raise your vibration and start attracting better health, wealth, relationships and happiness in your life.

Everything is inside you, not outside, so if you want to see change, start within yourself.

Transcend & Succeed Masterclass - 12 months

Transcend & Succeed is a live Masterclass over 12 months, with access to the replays. It will be an experience that provides education on how life works, enabling you to develop awareness, change your perceptions and hold a more positive approach to manifesting your life.

You will also receive monthly powerful energy healing to remove the effects of negative energies and emotions from both yourself and others, and dissolve conditioned unconscious (and unwanted) habits that create resistance to change.

There will also be a bonus session monthly, sometimes with special guests to educate you more and empower you to get back in the drivers seat.

Treating the root cause removes the effects. This will be a very empowering course – are you ready to take back control of your life? Monthly payments available until the masterclass begins, then it will be a one-off payment for the entire 12 months.

Have You Lost Your Mojo?

Is your day full of happiness and joy and everything goes your way? Do you wake up and just wish you could go back to sleep?  Is your focus anywhere other than it’s supposed to be? Do you find yourself drinking more, or doing other addictive things like playing video games and being on social media all the time?  Are you trying to escape from your life every single day?  Are you feeling angry or resentful for what’s happening to you in the world?  Does your daily life contain drama and other issues that cause it to be just overwhelming? 

This powerful audio file has many healing energies that will help you release all the above, and much more.

Stress & Anxiety - 3 sessions

Welcome to this 3-part series where I’m going to talk about stress and anxiety and how it affects us mentally, emotionally and physically in our daily lives. Stress affects every single one of us in one way or another. It affects us when we are doing every day things like telling off our kids, during busy times at work, balancing our finances or even dealing with a relationship. Now a little pressure can drive us, but too much is NOT good for the body as over time it will break you down and you will end up sick, both physically, mentally and emotionally.

Stress is how the body reacts to perceived or real situations where you feel threatened -a chemical reaction takes place in your body which is your ‘fight or flight’ response, which increases your heart rate, tightens up your muscles, speeds up your breathing, and also raises your blood pressure.  These healing energy files will address all of the above, and much more.

Are You Worthy of Receiving?

In order to starting living a great life and attracting the things that you want, you need to be able to RECEIVE.  This is overlooked by most, but it's essential to be addressed. 

These healing energies address worthiness, fear of debt, success realignment, and clearing many things that prevent you from receiving. 

Are you ready to receive what you truly want?

Money & Prosperity - 4 sessions

Access FOUR powerful healing sessions for Money and Prosperity.  We will be delving deeper into our memories that have created our limiting blocks in our lives that keep us stuck in the past and preventing us from having any time to create what we want for our future. 

We will be removing  negative beliefs, paradigms and subconscious programing that are preventing us from attracting not just money, but all sorts of abundance so you can start attracting it. Choose the audible or subliminal course.


"I have worked with Dawn and her education is one of my favorites.

Dawn’s approach to wellness is incredible!"

Robert Raymond

CEO, Achieve Systems

"The subliminal healings from Dawn are so very powerful! They bypass critical awareness and logical reasoning to promote fast, long-lasting transformation. With only a few moments in, I start to feel the stress leaving my body and I’m immersed in pure relaxation. I start playing them just before bed and wake up energetic, fresh, and vital. I highly recommend these beautiful tools to all who can listen."

CR, Client

"I really enjoyed Dawn’s Stress and Anxiety recorded healings. The music is soft and very relaxing, and I noticed that just a couple of days later I really did feel much calmer.

I highly recommend these to anyone feeling overwhelmed and anxious about anything in their life. It works well!"

HK, Client

Copyright | Dawn Livingstone, Voyage of Transcendence LLC | 2019-2030